Kirsten Orr
Kirsten Orr Massage Therapy
Swedish massage is a therapeutic practice of soft tissue manipulation to relieve aches and pains and
help the client recover from the rigours of work, exercise and daily life. I am an experienced
massage therapist providing exceptional massage therapy services to a number of clients with a
wide variety of health issues. I am committed to providing personalized care to each client, tailoring
my treatment to address specific concerns and promote relaxation and healing.
I trained at the Western School of Massage where I received my diploma. This is Scotland’s only
organisation offering a university credit rated course and has trained some of the top therapists in
the UK over 25 years.
For a Massage to go to ​
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@Kirsten Orr Swedish Massage Therapist
Or Email - Kirsten.orr@icloud.com
“ I have been seeing Kirsten for a full body massage for 15 months now. Overall, I have to
say I feel more relaxed, have less stress and sleep better. In addition, the symptoms of a
heath condition I have, have reduced considerably. I thoroughly recommend a regular
massage for mental and physical health with a great therapist like Kirsten”